Lori Gosselin is a pioneer in the field of authentic Community building, She believes so strongly in the power of community building that she spent 3 years researching and writing a book about it; Sounding the Drum: Community Building in the Digital Age. 

She is the founder and CEO of Kalliergo Community Building, a company she founded in 2019 to fulfill her mission to spread community consciousness around the globe.

At Kalliergo Community Building, Lori works with leaders to facilitate the growth of a community culture; one where people are as happy to come to work Monday morning as they are to leave for home Friday afternoon.

Lori received her B.A. from Dalhousie University and her Master’s in Organizational Management from Crandall University.  She is also the author of another book –The Happy Place.

Visit www.theKalliergo.com to learn about her many customized services.
